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Contact Nicolas, our director, who will be delighted to talk to you about our work and work with you to find a cultural mediation activity around our shows.

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Nicolas has a unique approach to artistic creation: he works closely with his dramaturge, Marc, and the two of them regularly organize philosophy sessions to deepen their reflection on their work with the whole artistic team.


This thoughtful, intellectual approach, rooted in sociology and philosophy, is what enables Nicolas to create works that are innovative, rich, powerful and moving. His passion for philosophy and reflection enables him to create unique and profound dance works that captivate his audiences.

In addition to his passion for dance, Nicolas is also very socially committed in his creations. In his works, he often tackles important and relevant themes for our society, such as domestic violence, addiction, etc... Through his dance, he tries to raise public awareness of these issues and give them a voice.


His artistic approach is therefore highly committed and socially responsible, and he uses his art to convey important and moving messages. In short, Nicolas is an exceptional avant-garde choreographer who combines his artistic talent with a socially responsible and committed approach to his creations. His art is a civic act. 

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